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To install everything:

- Extract/unzip the main folder into your FS2002/2004 > aircraft folder.
- Open the folder entitled "ADD THESE TO MAIN FS GAUGES FOLDER". Copy the enclosed folder ("rcb-miljet") and paste it into your main gauges folder within FS. Do NOT open it and add the enclosed files individually, they need to remain in the folder to work properly.
- Open the folder entitled "ADD THESE TO MAIN FS SOUND FOLDER". Copy the six files contained within, into your main sound folder within FS.
- Open the folder entitled "effects", and copy all enclosed files into your main effects folder within FS (note - some files may be duplicates of default files. If prompted to replace these, simply decline to do so).
- There are two reasons for not having included a panel. The original one used, although freeware, was not properly credited, and used Eric Marciano's radar and HUD. As Eric could not be reached to obtain permission to use these features, the panel cannot be included. Secondly, the size of the original panel would have doubled the total file size of this download. You may wish to check the FS sites,including,, or, for an appropriate replacement. Try a search for "F-16/F-22 panel".

Notes on flying the Grizzly:

- Afterburners: controlled by toggling a switch found in cockpit view, on the left side front panel, by clicking on it with your mouse. Throttle must be at 75% or greater power setting in order to work. There are three settings for this switch, namely red-down (AB off), grey-neutral (AB ready) and green-up (AB activated). When operating, both visual and audio afterburner effects are apparent. Note that when afterburners are disengaged, you must apply throttle and then throw the switch in cockpit view to have them reappear.
- Sonic boom: when flying past Mach 1, both a boom sound effect and supersonic cloud will be generated.
- High-G wingtip effects: these may be simulated by pressing the "I" key.
- Lights: because the afterburner and sonic boom rely on lighting assignments, pressing "l" key for "all lights on" will also result in the afterburner effect being activated. Recommend toggling the lighting switches in cockpit view for a more realistic effect.
- Opening canopy is featured, activated by pressing Shift+E.
- In addition to the features noted above, this aircraft has full working control surfaces, landing gear suspension, and reflective textures. The gear oleos and engine exhaust cones in particular have a bare-metal polished look. If these items appear dull or non-specular, ensure that your display settings are kept high.

***Please note that, although the files contained herein have been thoroughly tested, I cannot be held responsible for any problems or damages resulting from your decision to use any part of this folder, whether having followed the above instructions or otherwise.***

THIS FOLDER, AND ALL FILES CONTAINED WITHIN, REMAIN FREEWARE. Anyone wishing to modify or utilize any portion of these, for the purposes of re-distribution, must obtain my permission beforehand. Furthermore, original files which have been credited to their respective designers remain the property of said individuals, and any copyrights must be respected. Texture repaints are permitted.

Original aircraft design, as well as the name "CF-220 Grizzly", is copyright Brian Sturton ( or If e-mailing please include GRIZZLY in the subject line otherwise my spam filter will delete the message.

February 2005


(NOTE: Although installation has been presented hopefully as straightforward as can be, if any problems persist with the installation of the effects packages, you may wish to consult the instructions provided by Rob Barendregt as outlined below.)

The gauge GrizzleEffectControl (== comment in the .xml file):
This freeware gauge controls the following effects for Brain Sturton's Grizzly:
- Taxiheat/enginesmoke, via the Smokesystem
ON: when engine is running (= N1 RPM greater than 10 %) AND
- throttle lever greater than 10% when on the ground (taxi heat)
- throttle lever greater than 60% when in the air (engine smoke)
- Wingtip Contrail, via Light #6 (Taxi light).
ON: when altitude below 20000 ft AND Gforce greater than 3.
- SonicBoom effect, via Light #7 (Recognition light)
ON: When aircraft passes Mach-1
The effect contains a boom sound (file amb_aexpl*.wav)
- Blue Flame, via Light #8 (Wing light)
ON: when engines are running (= N1 RPM greater than 10 %).
- Afterburner, via Light #9 (Logo light).
ON: when the Afterburner is set (default key Shift-F4), or the included switch
bitmap is clicked.
The Burnerflame1 effect contains a burner sound (file amb_gexp4*.wav), that is
started when the effect is triggered and dies out automatically after 15 sec.
Note that:
- The Afterburner can ONLY be activated when the engines are running AND the
throttle is greater than 95% (the light is now Off). If not, the light is RED.
- When the Afterburner is active (the light is Green) and the throttles are reduced
to below 95%, it is automatically deactivated.
- The switch/light follows the state of the AFterburner; so if you sets AB on via
a keyboard key, the gauge switch/light will follow. That is, if it is allowed
to switch AB on; if not, AB is switch off again automaticaly.
Note1: because of Lightswitch limitations, all effects are coupled to engine/throttle 1.
Note2: for the gauge to be active, you have to make the 2D panel visible at least ONCE
after loading the flight/aircraft.